An Outline of Training The Trainers Course

Presenting Islamic Beliefs And Practices: A Rational Interactive Approach

  • What is the goal of Islam?
  • How do you understand purity?
  • Since there are five pillars of Islam, what constitutes the foundation of Islam?
  • What is the significance of believing in Tawheed? What is wrong with Shirk?
  • How do these two opposing beliefs of Tawheed and Shirk effect human life?
  • How are the names or attributes of Allah relevant to human life of this world?
  • Was man "created" or "evolved"?
  • Why is human being the best "creation" of Allah on earth?
  • What does Allah wants from human beings?
  • How can human beings find their job description for earthly life?
  • Is the translation of the Qur'an the word of Allah? Why or why not?
  • What is the significance of the Sunnah?
  • What is/are the source/s of knowing the Sunnah?
  • Why do we believe in angels? Have you seen an angel?
  • Are angels superior to human beings?
  • What is the Last Day or the Hour? Is it different from the Life Hereafter?
  • Is the time in this life increasing or decreasing? What is Al-Asr?
  • Is there perfect justice in the life of this world? How do we obtain perfect justice?
  • What is the concept of accountability in Islam? How does it influences worldly life?
  • What is sin? How to receive forgiveness? What are the conditions?
  • What do you know about the time between death and resurrection?
  • How does the Life Hereafter begin and end?
  • What do you understand by the term Qadar or Qadr?
  • Is fatalism a belief in Islam?
  • How does the understanding of the concept of Qadar influence our worldly life?
  • What is the meaning of 'Ibadah or worship in Islam?
  • What are five acts of worship?
  • Do Muslims need proof of what is called 'Ibadah or worship?
  • What is the foundation of Islam and what are the pillars?
  • What happens when one or more pillars of a building are missing or fall down?
  • How would you interpret the words of Shahadah?
  • What is the significance of Salah?
  • What is the significance of Zakah? How is Zakah different from general Infaq?
  • Who is the owner of the wealth we possess?
  • What is the significance of Sawm?
  • What is the significance of Hajj?
  • What is the significance of excelling in Islam?
  • What are the areas of the life in which Muslims are supposed to excel?
  • What are the important areas of relationship with people?
  • Is it enough for the Muslim to be good personally and avoid evil?
  • What are the areas of duties of a Muslim?
  • Are we responsible to gain all of our rights? What are we accountable to Allah for?
  • What do you understand by the concept that man is the khalifah of Allah on the earth?
  • How does Allah tests a Muslim on a daily basis?
  • Do Muslims need proof of lawful (Halal) things or acts?
  • What are the areas of things and acts forbidden?
  • Is it obligatory or Fard to individually convey the message of Islam to the people?
  • What are motivations for conveying the message of Islam to the people?
  • Does Allah's authority on the people limited to the acts of worship?
  • What areas of our lives are we supposed to implement the rule of Allah?

Traditional Approaches of presenting Islam

  • Bridge building
  • ISLAM- Friend or Foe?
  • In search of God
  • Why Islam?
  • The "Five Pillars"
  • The Fitrah
  • Islam: The basic truths
  • Islam, the Natural Way

The Qur'an Study Guidelines

  • History of collection of the Qur'an
  • Preservation of Al-Dhikr
  • Organization of the Qur'an
  • Miracles of the Qur'an
  • Major themes of the Qur'an
  • Selection of passages for study
  • Non-Muslim attacks on the Qur'an and Muslim response
  • Responding to stray questions

Hadith Study Guidelines

  • History of Hadith collection
  • Major Hadith collections
  • Hadith classification
  • Approaches to Hadith study
  • Non-Muslims attacks on Hadith and Muslim response

Anti-Islam Activities

  • History of anti-Islam works
  • Why anti-Islam activities
  • Anti-Islam literature
  • Anti-Islam audio and video tapes
  • Anti-Islam web sites
  • Responding to the attacks on Islam
  • Debates and dialogues

Education and Training of the New Muslims

  • Non-Muslims' fears and concerns about conversion
  • Giving Shahadah methodology
  • New Muslims' disappointments
  • Necessity of social and financial support
  • Early lessons about Islamic practices
  • Introduction to the Qur'an and Hadith for new Muslims
  • Potentials and resources of new Muslims
  • The process of reversion

Comparative Religion

  • What is comparative religion
  • Why comparative religion
  • Authenticity of the Bible
  • Old and New Testament
  • Books of the Bible
  • Contents of the Bible and comparison with the Qur'an
  • Who wrote the Bible
  • Versions of the Bible
  • Differences among various versions
  • The Talmud and its position in Judaism
  • Dogmas of Christianity and their development
  • Concept of God in Christianity and the Trinity
  • Doctrinal problems of Christianity
  • The original sin and atonement
  • Paul and the Pauline church
  • Islam, Christianity and Social problems
  • Facing Bible thumbers
  • Silencing Bible thumbers
  • Winning hearts of spectators
  • Speaking to Christian audiences
  • References to memorize
  • Addressing to the common people in the West
  • Contradictions in the Bible
  • Muhammad in the Bible
  • Other relevant topics

Misconceptions About Islam

  • Sources of misconceptions about Islam
  • "Muhammad wrote the Qur'an"
  • "Qur'an is an incoherent writings of a mad man"
  • Muhammad was commanded to read but he was illiterate
  • Muhammad and allegation of epilepsy
  • Why revelation to Ishmaelites?
  • Arabs are "not Ishmaelites" nor from the progeny of Abraham!
  • Why new revelation after the Bible?
  • Why was the Qur'an in Arabic?
  • Allah is the moon god!
  • Muhammad and Waraqa bin Nauful relationship
  • Were Prophet's wives (Khadija, Safiya and Mariam) his teachers?
  • Was Muhammad taught by Christian and Jewish teachers?
  • Qur'an contradicts the Bible, therefore the Qur'an is wrong.
  • Islam or Muhammadanism?
  • Were the prophets infallible according to the Qur'an?
  • Why do Muslims quote Bible if they do not believe in it?
  • Why Moses and Jesus are mentioned in the Qur'an more often than Muhammad?
  • Man is instinctively evil then why not to believe in the original sin?
  • Muslim belief in destiny is fatalism
  • Is Satan a fallen angel? Qur'an says that all angels prostrated except Iblis.
  • "Jesus was sinless and Muhammad was a sinner!" Muhammad asked for forgiveness.
  • Jesus is the Savior of Christians but Muslims have no savior!
  • Muslims fear God, while Christians love God.
  • Allah is angry God, while Christian God loves!
  • Allah guides and misguides?
  • God's punishment is a sign of love not hurt.
  • Jesus healed the blind, while Muhammad frowned and turned away.
  • If Jesus was not killed or crucified, what happened to him?
  • Islam is all works no beliefs!
  • Muslims worship black stone and a cubicle building.
  • Times of prayer and fasting in the Arctic region.
  • Hajj is a pagan ritual.
  • Is the sacrifice during Hajj not an atonement for sins?
  • Isn't Jihad holy war?
  • Doesn't Islam teach terrorism and Muslims are terrorists?
  • Was Islam not spread by the sword?
  • If Islam means peace then why the Prophet of Islam fought so many wars?
  • Why prudah or hijab for women in Islam?
  • Hijab is a sign of oppression of women.
  • Why Muslim women cannot marry a Christian or a Jewish man?
  • Why is divorce only by men?
  • Polygamy is unfair to women.
  • Why did Muhammad have many wives whereas his followers were limited to four?
  • Are the punishment is Shari'ah not barbaric?
  • Why not leave punishment to God?
  • Why jizyah on non-Muslims? Isn't Jizyah a sign of oppression of non-Muslims?
  • Is Islam against modernization and progress?
  • Isn't dictatorship mandated by Islam?
  • Does Islam object to western democracy?
  • Isn't Islam anti social?
  • Is Islam a cult?
  • Is Islam a secret religion?

Areas of Clarification for Muslim youth

  • Why Allah does not respond to prayers (du'aa)?
  • Why the Merciful Allah allows good people sometimes to suffer?
  • When to use the term "Kafir"?
  • Give the evidence that Prophet Muhammad was the last Prophet/Messenger.
  • Do all non-Muslims go to Hell and do all Muslims go to Paradise?
  • Are Shi'ahs kafir?
  • What is the source of sin? What is sin?
  • Is Allah not too Merciful to put people into Hell?
  • What is the difference between reincarnation and resurrection?
  • What do Muslims believe about second coming of Jesus?
  • Is music and singing allowed in Islam?
  • Is smoking Haram?
  • How did crescent and star became Islamic symbols?
  • What is the icon of Islam?
  • Revival of Islam means Islam is dead now. What is the truth?
  • Is it a sin to take non-Muslims as friends?
  • What is the concept of Taharah and when is Taharah required?
  • Are non-Muslims allowed to pick up Qur'an and read it?
  • Are non-Muslim allowed to enter masajid?
  • Are non-Muslims allowed to stand in rows with Muslims during the Salat?
  • Should good people of the Book retain their religion? Doesn't Qur'an says so.
  • Will good works and charity of non-Muslims be rewarded in the life hereafter?
  • Does Islam allow destruction of churches?
  • Should apostates be killed?
  • Can Islam be modified to suit modern times?
  • Isn't there some good bid'ah and others are bad bid'ah? What is bid'ah?
  • Should Muslims as minority participate in politics under a non-Muslim authority?
  • How can Muslims practice Shari'ah in a non-Muslim state?
  • Why didn't Islam outlaw slavery?
  • If usury/interest is Haram, how can Muslim participate economically in the West?
  • Are men and women absolutely equal?
  • Is concubines allowed in Islam? Many Muslim kings used to have them.
  • Is woman's voice part of her 'awrah?
  • Are women restricted in education to certain fields?
  • Is a woman's consent required for her marriage? What is the position of her Wali?
  • Why do women stay behind men in Salat? Why is there physical partition in the mosque?
  • What is Islamic teachings about mut'ah (temporary marriage)?
  • Did Islam permitted Muslim men to beat their wives?
  • What is holy and what is unholy in Islam? Holy Qur'an, Holy Prophet, Holy Land, etc.
  • Does God changes His mind as we find that there is abrogation of verses?
  • Do the Muslims believe in the Holy Spirit?
  • Will everyone pass through Hell?
  • Allah calls Mary, sister of Aaron but she did not have any brother by that name!
  • Jesus was a word from God, what does it mean?
  • Are there any true followers of Jesus?
  • Is there any confirmation of the Qur'an in earlier books?
  • What should Muslims know about the Qur'an and sciences?

Method of approaching non-Muslims to talk about Islam.

Non-profit organization management techniques.

Tips about fund raising for Islamic work.

Grass roots Da'wah organization - approaches.


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